If you’re the type of person who doesn’t just clean their home, they wash and wax it, then this blog post is for you! The cold weather has drastically decreased your options for cleaning supplies, so here are some tips for Maintaining Home Cleanliness keep your home as pristine as ever.
Make a plan:
Get a calendar and schedule when you plan on cleaning each room in your house in order to stay on top of it with the changes to your schedule.
Use Vinegar to Get the Smoke Smell Out of Your Home:
If you’re like me and like to burn candles in the winter, then you may be familiar with the smoke smell that lingers. Find a spray bottle and fill it with water, then add some vinegar and spray it all over your home (including carpeting).
Get on a Schedule for Laundry Duty:
Sometimes, when you go from working inside all day to going outside, it’s easy to forget simple things like doing laundry. Get a calendar and schedule for yourself of when you are going to do laundry.
Clean and polish your jewelry:
Even if you won’t be wearing it, the dirt and dust of other people is on your pieces of jewelry and will wash off eventually (in a few weeks).
Clean after company:
It might be tempting to have your friends over when it’s freezing outside, but clean your home afterwards. You’d hate to give them the impression that you live in a pig sty.
Clear Your Clutter:
If your house is cluttered, it’s going to make you feel stressed out and not able to relax when you get home from work or school. The easiest way to reduce clutter is to clean up the things that you use most often. If you feel like you have a lot of clutter, a great place to start is with the things that you want to keep.
Use an aerosol cleaner in your bathroom:
If your bathroom is a mess, it’s going to make every time that you go into the shower and take a bath for the day or night more stressful than it has to be. When it comes to cleaning, an aerosol cleaner is a great way to make sure you get the job done in a short amount of time.
Clean the Dirty Windows:
If you’ve got dirty windows, then you know that it makes your house look less than pleasant. Make sure that when you clean your home that you stop and clean the windows on your return trip from cleaning each room.
Use a Caulking Gun to Fill Cracks in Your Home:
Winter is a great time to check and see if your house still has any cracks in the foundation. With the colder weather, it will make it that much more likely that you’ll have leaks somewhere in your home. Clean up any cracks and then caulk them with a caulking gun so that they don’t become bigger and let in more water.
Maintain the Outdoors:
Even if you don’t use it, your lawn and shrubs will still need maintenance work. If you want people to see your home in its best light, then make sure that you keep the outside of your house looking beautiful.
Clean the Carpet:
Winter can be a perfect time to remove spots from carpeting that you couldn’t do in summer because it was too hot. When you find stains that you can’t remove, go to a professional like Carpet Cleaning Tulsa to come in and clean the carpeting.
Maintain Your Heating System:
If you want your home to stay warm during the winter, then you need to take care of your heating equipment so that it will last for multiple years. Keep in mind that your heating system is one of the most important things in terms of keeping your home at a comfortable temperature and Maintaining Home Cleanliness.